Never Have a Bad Workout Again: Introducing the Dipulse Smartknee Kit

Exercising is fun and highly beneficial- but often has an unpredictable outcome. No matter how hard we try, sometimes bad workouts do happen –and take their toll on our joints. One of the most common body parts to experience discomfort after a heavy or miscalculated workout are the knees. Regardless of our fitness level, our knees are often overworked or feel heavy preventing us from safely doing the everyday activities we love. This could affect everyone; according to the British NHS website, even experienced runners who push themselves hard can experience knee discomfort and possible injuries.


In diPulse, we believe maintaining a good muscle balance and integrity of your knee can ensure they are working exactly how they should be and are able to support the stresses that workout can place on them! Today we are introducing the SmartKnee Kit, a non-invasive and discrete knee sleeve that may be fitted under your garments, perfect for every workout. Based on a 3 in 1 design, the SmartKnee Kit offers support, active muscle stimulation, and muscle revival through sensory stimulation. It features an integrated dry carbon electrode and it’s the perfect choice for post-training comfort, or added muscle activity during workouts. As we love to say, training with diPulse is more efficient, safe – and fun!


The SmartKnee Kit also features:

  • The possibility to upgrade with a second SMARTSTIM module

  • It can be integrated with CMT (Combined Muscle Training)

  • You can download specific programs via your smartphone App

  • It is fully intuitive, controlled by your smartphone App

  • It can be integrated and can support the extended diPulse products

  • It has up to 8 hours of battery power from a single charge


The Smartknee Kit is unique in how we have intended it to be used. It is a compression garment in its own right – supporting the structures of the knee and helping with stability. It also drives muscle activation through the stimulation channels placed over the four quadriceps muscles, meaning that during your workout, you can ensure it recruits more quads muscle fibres than working out alone.

Finally, the stim module can be placed over the bony part of the knee – not for muscle stimulation as there are no muscles there – but for sensory stimulation which can ease any feelings of post-workout discomfort. What are you waiting for? Complete knee fitness presented to you as one small package. We would love to hear your feedback!


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