A Football Captain at 19? Sofia Hjern of Ifk Norrköping, Sweden, Shares Her Inspiring Story

Sofia Hjern is made from the stuff of great players. While only 19 years old, she has managed to secure her place as both goalkeeper and captain at the prestigious IFK Norrköping women’s club, in Sweden. Her father and siblings were avid sportspeople playing various sports while enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle. Being born into a family with a sports tradition has had a profound influence on her.

Sofia began to play football from the young age of five along with other sports and activities both in her leisure time and at school. Eventually, the male dominated world of football won her over completely. Today, she is only 19 but she already has years of professional sporting experience behind her, so she has a lot to share - and a lot more to achieve in the future.

Tell us a bit about you and your background

Well, I play football in IFK Norrköping which is a prominent Swedish women’s team with many supporters in our city. I am their goalkeeper and captain. Oh, and I am only 19!

How does it feel to be a girl playing football professionally?

To be honest, here in Sweden it doesn’t seem strange at all. We have a large football culture and a hometown team that recently won the biggest Swedish title and made us all proud. As expected, this has been an inspiration for many kids to follow this path, both girls and boys even from school. In my case, it was this that made me feel I would love to be part of it all. My family tradition also played an important role; my father played football and my siblings are both avid sportspeople.

What is the best moment you’ve had while playing football?

When I saved an all-important match for my team! I was so determined we can win, I did my best to defend my goalpost!

How different is the culture of a team sport from going to the gym?

It all comes down to love for what you do and dedication. You need to really love a sport to excel at it. I mean, you can go to the gym for your overall health and fitness but a team sport such as football teaches you skills and values that shape your whole personality. You become a better person.

Out of your training, what good advice would you like to share with someone interested in fitness?

I believe in good measure. Train hard yes, but you can never push yourself too much and not have consequences such as injuries. This is the reason I value recovery a lot; it allows you to push yourself to the limit and get optimum performance safely. Take your time to recover after a hard workout or match, this would be my advice.

What motivates you? What makes you push yourself to the limits?

My love for football and my team. Being the captain comes with elevated responsibilities; you have to organize the game and inspire your teammates to be their best selves. I also look up to my city’s men’s football team; their achievements have been a constant inspiration to prove we girls can also play great football and gain a place in Sweden’s top league.


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