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NMES is the activation of muscle contraction using electrical impulses. These mimic the messages that come from the central nervous system enabling the muscle to contract. By increasing the intensity of the stimulation from our devices more muscle fibres can be recruited for a more sustained period during any one cycle of muscle contraction.
NMES when used according to instructions, optimizes the benefits of training. NMES is a non-invasive training and workout system which can be an adjunct to voluntary training. Without the need for weights NMES can enhance muscle performance through strength, endurance and resistance training whilst avoiding stress to the joints. Post-training fatigue can be minimized in addition to preventing training plateaus.
NMES is suitable for atheletes, keen sports people and for anyone wishing to improve their general wellbeing. diPulse is a platform designed to assist the user in reaching their individual training goals.
With the ability to contract a muscle for a more sustained period during a stimulation cycle, NMES can build overall performance. By gradually increasing the intensity of the stimulation, as part of your training programme, more muscle fibres can be recruited during each muscle contraction which can lead to improved muscle development.
The diPulse programs have been designed to suit all aspects of physical training - from sport and fitness to massage and wellbeing, thereby ensuring its suitablity for all adult age groups. Users under the age of 18 should do so under adult supervision.
Need someone to assist you?
At diPulse, we want to ensure you experience only the best from your product. Any questions, concerns, or if you require our general assistance, please contact customer support who will be more than happy to help.