5 Science-Backed Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Workout

Everyone knows the benefits of a standard, everyday workout for all. Even if the gym is your familiar territory, as with most diPulse fans, you probably want to make the most of your effort and get optimum results out of your hard work. Exercise is so much a part of your daily routine that is easy to stick to tried–and–tested workout strategies that don’t always deliver the best results. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness fan or new to the fitness journey, here are 5 workout tips to optimize your everyday workouts according to science.


Don’t exercise TOO much.

More is not necessarily better when it comes to exercise frequency. A recent study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen reported that people who exercise 30 minutes a day for weight loss actually got better overall results than those who exercised for 60 minutes. This finding was based to the strong psychological factor that those who over-exercise often feel justified to indulge in behavior that can dynamize their fitness journey. In other words, if weight loss through exercise is your goal, then you can benefit equally from short but regular bursts of exercise as you can through excessively working out.


Add variety

There is always a particular fitness activity we like to focus on - but let’s not do it exclusively. Studies have shown that it's imperative to add variety and give ourselves a well-rounded workout. Although we may love swimming, jogging, or dancing above all else, the best results are achieved when we opt for a variety of muscle-strengthening exercises in our routine. Not to mention how necessary is to incorporate a good deal of stretching and flexibility exercises (Yoga or Pilates for example) to make sure our muscles and joints work at their best.


Add music that motivates you

Music is the ultimate medium when it comes to conveying emotions - but it can also become a huge motivational fitness factor. Recent research at the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology reported that a sample of 30 people who listened to music (especially slow music) after their workout recovered faster than those who chose to go without. This may sound surprising but music is known to naturally boost the body’s levels of dopamine and serotonin, the very hormones that will assist your recovery. Why not start your routine with a powerful workout playlist for both inside and outside the gym - and make sure to only include songs that make you feel strong and motivated.


Do intervals

The common misconception is that the longer the workouts, the better. And yet, fitness experts swear by the benefits of high-intensity intervals—periods of all-out effort interspersed with short but low-intensity breaks. In one study from the Human Performance Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, people who performed a 20-minute interval workout with strong exercises burned nearly twice as many calories as during long-distance runs. HIIT training has been found to come with more cardiovascular and fat-loss benefits than any other workout so it may be a good idea to try and experiment with this method to optimize strength.


Wear your Smart Skin or Smart Belt

Of course, there isn’t a science-backed tip we can support as much as the benefits of NMES when incorporated into any workout regime - a beginners’ or an advanced routine. At diPulse, we are all witnesses to our own improvement through muscle stimulation combined with exercise. diPulse wearables can provide effective muscle stimulation, generating additional muscle fibre activity without adverse side effects and we have many programs available to use in the app. This way you can tailor your activity to suit your overall workout program from warming up to recovery, in no additional time and with great results. Built with innovative wireless technology, our diPulse wearables are key to taking your fitness journey to a new level, easily and efficiently.


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