The diPulse Team Smashed the 2022 Oslo Throwdown!

You know that wherever there’s a challenge, there’s diPulse. Demanding sport routines are our natural playground and we’ve joined as partner in some of the most demanding CrossFit events around Europe. Last weekend we were at the demanding 2022 Oslo Throwdown to support our elite athletes and help all participants with their recovery between events and competition days.

The Oslo Throwdown is the largest CrossFit competition across Scandinavia and one of the most challenging of Northern Europe, featuring each year some of the best CrossFit athletes and teams, testing their skills, endurance and grit! The diPulse crew was there to offer the athletes the chance to quickly and safely recover between events, minimizing their downtime through targeted muscle activation and focused revival application. Our ambassadors were happy to introduce newcomers to the cutting-edge diPulse technology while offering expert advice on muscle activation and smart recovery.

The athletes had the chance to take some valuable time off competition routines and enjoy their recovery and quality relaxation time at the diPulse stand set inside X Meeting Point, the newest EXPO in the Oslo area, and the meeting place for the event. The response from the athletes was much appreciated and a few more ambassadors were signed for future partnership. Congratulations to all the participants for a great competition weekend, we can't wait to meet you again next year!


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