Professional CrossFit Athlete Simon Mäntylä Shares His Unique Training Philosophy

Simon Mäntylä is a legend in the CrossFit universe -and for a very good reason. The multiple times CrossFit Competition winner and successful coach comes with a huge wealth of experience in the field and an elaborate training philosophy to share with the world. With over 10 years of coaching experience in multiple areas of fitness successfully coaching athletes, regular fitness enthusiasts, and of course CrossFit athletes, Simon has become an expert in helping people reach their fitness goals. Despite his level of success, he is grounded enough to know happiness comes through dedication and hard work. His inspiring motto? Go for what you deserve, no one else is going to conquer success but yourself.

Tell us about your professional background.

I have been competing in fitness since 2012. I have even won the Fittest Man in Sweden title. I have also participated in many major competitions and CrossFit championships such as the CrossFit World Championship. In fact, I have done so many competitions I have lost count, practically everything that exists in sports!

You are also a coach…

Yes, coaching is not only for making a living, it’s a great passion of mine. Over the years I have required so much knowledge and experience in the sports field that I wanted to share it. It’s a great pleasure to help other athletes become better and reach their goals

You have developed a unique coaching method. Could you tell us a little about the six pillars program?

The name is rather a way to break down information in order to make sense of it, a simplified way of expressing what needs to be done. The six pillars program focuses on the way you move in your particular sport of choice. Movement is important because the better you move, the better you can express your strength and your level of conditioning. If you are restricted in your moves, you are inevitably limited. Then it’s how you apply your movement, strength, and conditioning in order to be competitive and create a strong mindset. This may not be a physical attribute per se but for me, it’s equally important. You need to be mentally focused on things you can control and avoid those you can’t actually change.

How you overcome adversities is key regardless of being a professional athlete or someone who trains to feel good. Sometimes you get the flu or break your wrist and that impacts your training. The final attribute is competition. Competition is where you get to test and express all the qualities you have acquired through training. Again, competition isn’t always the final goal for everyone; the majority of the people I actually work with or have worked with aren’t competitive athletes. Still, you can take great lessons from elite athletes’ routines and then apply them to a more regular training schedule.

CrossFit professionals say they love it because they never get bored. What makes CrossFit so exciting to you?

I don’t really have a problem with repetitive routines. My sporting background as a child was in Martial Arts, a rather repetitive type of sport. You would do one thing numerous times until you have perfected it and then move to the other. In CrossFit, we get to learn different things at a quicker pace which is why people find it exciting. I think it’s nice that you take to test your knowledge regardless of level and once your reach your goal you can set a harder one such as using heavier weights or running faster. There is always room for improvement and that is the exciting part for me. Then it’s the competition; you may have a vague idea of who is going to do well but in reality, you never know who will win before the competition actually starts. CrossFit tests are different each time and it’s up to your training to physically and mentally prepare you for almost anything that can happen there.

How has diPulse helped you improve your training and recovery?

Some people say that CrossFit is the sport of recovery since we have to do so many training hours per week that include weight lifting, cardio, swimming, and more. Allowing the body to recover fast and efficiently between sessions is a major factor of success in the sport. Adding just 1 percent volume per week to my training may seem little but it’s invaluable; during a year it’s a lot!

diPulse products enable me to reach my fullest potential in training and tremendously help my recovery. I really enjoy the active recovery protocols. I use them as my main program daily especially with the SMARTBELT and the SMARTKNEE since CrossFit has a lot of leg work and weight lifting that often puts a strain on the back. I just got the SMARTSKIN and I am excited to use it as part of my Hypertrophy work. I also use active recovery programs and reviving massage programs to relieve muscle stress and relax, even when I am just watching TV at home. They are immensely practical.

What is your coaching motto?

The one thing I have stuck around during all my years as an athlete is a simple one: You Should Go For It. This doesn’t only apply in training but also in business or relationships. Everyone deserves to live the life they want but no one is going to offer it. It’s all up to you to challenge life and get what you deserve. It may sound a bit vague but it’s a quote I mentally revisit often. As an elite athlete, I need to focus on my training, recovery, and nutrition to win. Success is not going to happen by itself, we all need to be fighters.


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