It Only Took a Meeting To Kickstart Our Excitingly Unique Story

It all starts with a vision. And a constant passion for exploring unmapped territories. At the forefront of current sport and fitness innovation, diPulse technology is new; but with a great story behind it.

Backstage stories are often the most exciting to tell. In the case of diPulse, it would take the visionary leadership of its founder, a milestone meeting in Trafalgar Square, and a healthy dose of good luck to make the brand what it is today.

The chance encounter of a previously discarded prototype fueled the idea of integrating cutting-edge technology into smart textiles. Patiently waiting to be discovered in a tech archive was a design prototype - a plain shirt with rendered NMES technology which conceived what was to eventually become the brand’s first signature product-  the SMARTSKIN. This innovative compression-based top and tights kit, with a dry carbon electrode smart textile provides powerful and consistent deep muscle stimulation (NMES).

Richard Statham, a successful entrepreneur and the genius behind the conception of the brand, instantly knew this was something unique in the sports and wellness field. In his mind, this took the form of a never-before-seen concept of an innovative platform supported by an app where a community of users would share data, organize events and optimize their training routines - all under the same umbrella.

The task looked overwhelming, almost impossible to fathom, let alone make it work. But Richard met with his collaborator Vedran Stankovic in the very mainstream Prêt-a-Manger in a meeting that would signify the brand’s first milestone. This meeting along with co-founder Vincent Tellenbach’s wealth of tech knowledge paved the way in developing SWIFT2 modus operandi - “It’s impossible; let’s do it” - a quote that would become the brand’s internal tagline and philosophy

Capitalizing on the ethics and philosophy of that founding meeting, the brand continues to push boundaries forward to deliver first-class products that create their own revolution in the sports and fitness field. But most importantly, the team has generated a culture and created a story to tell, a story that’s truly unique. Just like the brand itself.


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Patrick Lyons Is the Fitness Coach and Influencer with the Most Exciting Life Story to Tell