Elite Athlete and Coach Hanna Karlsson knows Excellence Comes through Hard work

Hanna Karlsson knows very well that excellence comes through hard work. The CrossFit athlete and nutrition coach has a unique personal story to share, one of dedication and passion. While she has been involved with sports throughout her life, Hanna has found her calling in the highly competitive world of CrossFit, with great success. During her early football player career, she struggled with the complications of an eating disorder, which taught her the most valuable lesson of all: nutrition and training are vital to performing at our best! Since then she has been spreading the message of wellness and self-fulfillment through her coaching and nutrition work, and most of all, through her unbreakable spirit. Let's meet Hanna!


Tell us about your professional background...

When I was a child I used to do every sport under the sun but I particularly loved football and golf. From 14 years old though I only played professional soccer and even played in the main league here in Sweden. The pressure was such that I got anorexia, something that I am quite open about now. I sought professional help, something that everyone should do, in my opinion, and I slowly managed to fully overcome it. After that, I slowly returned to the gym striving to be the person I always wanted to be! There I found CrossFit. In 2015 I had a serious leg surgery that make me focus on my recovery process. After I got well, I focused on CrossFit!

What do you focus on today and how did you get into it?

I have trained in CrossFit since 2016 and I love how strong I feel. I have always wanted to take part in CrossFit Games and I finally managed to with great success. Now I want to be there and compete every year!

Why are competitive sports so challenging for you?

It’s the variety of the sport that got me hooked. I have ADHD and it’s important to do something that doesn’t let me get bored easily. I need something extreme in my life to feel challenged and strive to become better every day. CrossFit allows me to express myself in full, with no insecurities or anxiety involved. It's only me competing with myself, striving to be better.

What do the next 2-3 years look like for you in your sport?

I want to see myself in the CrossFit competitions I know I can be good at. I want to enjoy them and stay happy and healthy. I have been overcoming obstacles for quite some time in my life and being in a constant uninterrupted flow is something I very much long for. I want to show the world what I can do, regardless of ranking.

How do you work on your recovery?

Before CrossFit, I didn’t have a very good knowledge of how my body functions. Even when I had my surgery, I wasn’t thinking or questioning those things. Now I know what my body needs to recover, and what tools I must use. Back then I had no idea. Now I know that stretching is important but you definitely need the diPulse products to maximize the effect.

So what would you advise others to do?

First of all, rest is important. You can’t train hard every day. And most of all use all the knowledge and advice you can get from people around you who actually know the topic. Nutrition is also important. Regardless of what people might think, you have to eat a lot, especially if you train for two sessions a day. I eat four times a day and I must say I’m never hungry. If I get hungry I already know I am late for my next meal of the day. The body likes routines, you just have to eat healthily and eat enough.

 How has diPulse helped you improve your training and recovery?

After my extended leg surgery, I have a problem with muscle activation, mine is too slow now so I work a lot with it. When I work out I use the diPulse SMARTTIGHTS and let them do the work for me. It’s very liberating.

Which diPulse products and programs do you use most frequently?

I like many of them. Those I use were suggested by my physio as the best to use for my body and goals. For my knee, I use the Capillarization Program and of course, the Toning and Massage. When I am aiming for strength, for example when I am weightlifting, I will use the Warm Up, Hypertrophy, and Strength in variation.

What is your life motto?        

It’s all in my arm tattoo! It’s a quote my mother told me when I was struggling with my eating disorder, “There are no mistakes, only experiences”. And it helped me fight the anxiety and anger I had for having to overcome so many obstacles. Sometimes the learning process comes out of mistakes but that’s in fact what makes you wiser. And a better, stronger person overall.


Thank you so much Hanna! We are both happy and proud to have you as part of the diPulse team.


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