diPulse Can Help You Build Muscle in Less Time-and Here’s How

In our social media-dominated world, muscular bodies have taken center place. Everyone scrolling through Instagram or Tik Tok who is even remotely interested in fitness will at some point come across muscular bodies, performing super demanding exercises with ease. And while muscular anatomy may be the aesthetic ideal of today, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all guide for those who want to achieve it. According to fitness experts, everyone can benefit from building muscle in a way that suits their own personal fitness goals. Here we will be discussing what it means to build mass and how diPulse can help you make it work.


What Is Muscle Hypertrophy?

Muscle hypertrophy is synonymous with muscle building and it describes the increase in growth of muscle cells as a result of resistance training. Our muscles are made to adapt to persistent external stimuli and exposure to regular resistance training triggers growth in fiber size. “Muscle Hypertrophy is just a different word for muscle building,” says Tor Ahman, coach, and diPulse collaborator. “It involves the increase of the skeletal muscles as a result of the cells increasing. This happens after performing large repositions and working on fast-switching muscles.”, he notes. Essentially, you need to stimulate the release of muscle-growing hormones through consistent and strategic hard workouts that focus on growth.


Why is Building Muscle Beneficial?

Let's start with the basics: building muscle doesn’t happen overnight. It takes persistence, devoted personal time, and a solid regime that you can commit long term to see results. Still, it’s a worthy process that will make you feel and look great, as it will increase muscle definition and improve lean body mass. Muscle building is beneficial for everyone following the right regime and with proper, targeted training, your body will gain muscle bulk in the right places for your own frame. Developing muscle will also help you perform activities better and burn more calories than before, improving your overall fat to muscle ratio without you actually trying too hard for it. Gaining more strength can even moderate your blood sugars by using the body's own glucose for fuel, which has been linked to a reduced likelihood of cardiac and neurological diseases.

How diPulse can help you build muscle in less time

diPulse products make use of the most advanced NMES technology allowing your muscles to work harder even in a calm state. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, “NMES is safe and seems to increase muscle mass and functional properties of limb muscles“ The best way to build muscles is through movement” says Tor Ahman. “With diPulse you can increase the intensity of the muscle engagement, for example when doing exercise repetitions, this way you work the muscle in a more efficient and beneficial way than you when applying external forces, building muscles more rapidly. Most importantly hypertrophy can be achieved without putting excessive force through your joints which can create joint trauma.”

The diPulse products such as the SMARTSKIN Kit or the SMARTBELT offer an invaluable opportunity to build muscle in a shorter time, with less effort, and most importantly, without endangering your joints. This is particularly important for everyone - from high-performing athletes to people recovering from an injury, and also for those who regularly workout as part of their fitness program. Developing muscle mass safely through diPulse is clearly something everyone can benefit from.


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