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Tens vs Nmes: What Are the Differences and Which Is Best for Me?


Technology has always played an integral role in the fitness and wellbeing industry and electrotherapy is one of the leading technologies widely used with great results. Electrotherapy uses electricity for a number of objectives – to reduce pain and inflammation, repair tissues, and strengthen or recover muscles. Electrical stimulation is a powerful tool that has the potential to make a huge impact on the way we enhance and restore function to the human body.

The devices and technology that make use of electrical stimulation fall into two categories that may sound a bit alike, but have fundamental differences that make them unique to their purpose. We are of course talking about NMES (neuromuscular electrical stimulation) and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) devices. TENS and NMES both work using electrical currents but with very different objectives so it's good to know how to distinguish between the two before deciding what is good for your own needs. Here we explain all you need to know about TENS and NMES.


What is transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy?

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a therapy that uses low voltage electrical current through a device connected with electrodes. The electrodes are placed on the skin surface targeting the nerves near the points where the pain is located in the body. Scientific reviews suggest that TENS, when applied at adequate intensities, is effective for postoperative pain, osteoarthritis, and painful diabetic neuropathy.

The aim isn’t to activate muscles to contract or to increase muscle volume, but rather to bypass the pain signals the brain receives and so offer some pain relief. One theory also suggests that there is an increase in endorphins when using TENS, which also helps lower the brain’s perception of pain. TENS can be quite an effective alternative to taking over-the-counter painkillers in appropriate circumstances, particularly for people who are unable to take medication.


And what is NMES?

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation or NMES uses a device that sends electrical impulses to motor nerves in target muscles to make them contract and relax involuntarily through the application of conductive pads and electrodes to the skin. Using a safe low-frequency current to stimulate the motor nerves in chosen muscles, the unit mimics the signals normally sent from the brain to the muscle group, mimicking the natural way a muscle contracts when we exercise. NMES is widely used in sports medicine and the fitness industry for enhancing muscle strength, post-training recovery, and endurance making it a vital training tool for both professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts.


Are there any differences between the two?

Since both TENS and NMES make use of similar waveforms to target and treat body areas via nerve stimulation,  it is possible to confuse the two. They both are electrotherapy devices that work by producing electrical impulses which stimulate nerves, however, they operate in different ways and for different purposes. While TENS stimulates the sensory nerves to block pain signals, NMES stimulates motor nerves in muscles to promote contraction and cause involuntary movement. TENS is most often used for therapeutic reasons such as treating acute and chronic pain, whereby  NMES is used in muscle strengthening and recovery in both high-achieving athletes and fitness enthusiasts.


How athletes can benefit more from NMES 

NMES is a versatile and powerful technology that provides an excellent alternative to traditional strength or recovery training. Its functionality, ease, and speed of results have made NMES technology a staple in the training programs of most high-performing athletes and coaches. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning and reported by Scientific American: “trained and elite athletes, despite their already high level of fitness, are able to significantly enhance their level of strength to the same extent as is possible with the untrained subject.”


diPulse products use NMES in a revolutionary way which enables the user to exercise with total freedom whilst having the benefit of powerful muscle stimulation to enhance training goals. We are proud to know that diPulse products have been a long time favorite for many fitness professionals and top athletes such as extreme ocean swimming athlete Toni Ederli  and  Irish Strength Institute founder and coach Eoin Lacey


Our customers can choose the kit that matches their needs from our selection of garments and ancillaries. The SMARTSKIN KIT is excellent for powerful and consistent deep muscle stimulation. The SMARTBELT KIT is perfect for targeted neuromuscular stimulation of the abdominal muscles. Our SMARTSTRAPS cover smaller limb areas and the SMARTKNEE KIT addresses post-training comfort and recovery.

What to consider

Your health and wellbeing are always our priority and reading the supporting guidance on all electrotherapy products before use is essential for safety, and to make sure there aren’t any health reasons that prevent you from using them. You and your coach should determine which products and type of electrical stimulation work best for your needs and focusing on high-quality products that deliver results in a safe, efficient manner is key.

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