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Patrick Lyons Is the Fitness Coach and Influencer with the Most Exciting Life Story to Tell

They say you can become anything you ever dreamed of if you try hard enough. For Patrick Lyons, this motto has become an inspiring life transformation he is eager to share with the world. From the typical boy next door to the successful fitness coach he is today, Patrick is the living proof that getting fit is a state of mind. A fierce advocate of personal wellness and individuality, he creates personalized routines that help people achieve their own transformation goals. Today, Patrick is sharing his story, what he considers his personal milestones and why holistic wellness is the ultimate goal.

How did your fitness journey begin?

I started being involved in fitness when I was around nine years old. I was a young kid and insecure in my body; not liking the way I looked or felt. From a very young age, I started doing push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and bodyweight exercises in order to become stronger and fitter. By the time I graduated high school, I had gained a little bit of muscle, but I was still insecure about my body. Once I got to college, I was so busy, I stopped working out for seven months; then I decided I had to get a personal fitness coach and try a gym-based workout program. Through this personalized program, I finally managed to feel good about myself and achieve my goals.

That transformation really made me want to help others do the same thing. If I could go from this, skinny, insecure kid to a guy who, loves the way he looks, feels, walks, carries himself, works out in the gym - the whole thing - I wanted to help other people do the same. This is how I started seriously working as a fitness coach and then consistently creating social media content focused on gym-based or at-home workouts that really bring results.

When was the epiphany - the moment you knew you had to do things differently?

I had been doing push-ups and sit-ups for five years consistently. And really, all I got better at was doing push-ups and sit-ups. I didn’t change the way I looked or gained substantial muscle. I came to think that I perhaps have a high metabolism and can't gain weight, while in fact, I wasn’t eating enough.

Getting a fitness coach was really what helped; I got to properly learn about nutrition and the right progressive overload. This understanding was the motivation behind me seeking out science-based answers to my fitness and wellness questions. Science is the key to success.

So what was the most important thing you learned?

Establishing habits within your life is key. Habits enable you to progress in the right areas on literally a daily basis. You can’t achieve a difficult goal in a day or a week; it's just not going to happen. You need more time than that. You need a manageable habit on a daily basis.

What also played a huge role in my life is the understanding that there are more than one fitness pillars to consider. Consistent exercise, consistent nutrition, and consistent recovery are paramount, and they have to be based on science. You could eat “healthy food” every day and still not make progress if those aren’t the right foods for you. It’s the same with workouts and recovery.

diPulse products are at the forefront of science. Is that why you use them so much?

Very true. You see, I have used neuromuscular electrical stimulation in the past but those products always included attaching pads and wires to your body that restricted your every move. When I looked into diPulse wireless products, I realized they could be easily used in both the gym and outdoors with no limitations. As a fitness coach, I find this very liberating.

What is your very personal definition of wellness?

This is a great question. I believe wellness encompasses more than just physical health; it has also to do with mental health, happiness, and longevity. In order to achieve complete wellness, one has to have healthy habits that cover all of those categories. For example, I work out at the gym on a regular basis but also go for long walks outdoors or do daily stretching and mobility. I go to the gym on a daily basis and feel amazing because that’s where my friends are - and we do something we truly love. I also love exploring new places; everything new is a cherished experience for me that helps me grow as a person.

Last but not least, tell us about your experience as a fitness coach. What was the most important lesson you learned?

Since I started coaching, I’ve worked with over 700 people all over the world who followed my program and saw unique results. Through this, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. Therefore, a lot of my knowledge is based on both my own journey and the challenges or struggles of others. I have learned that sometimes is ok to just let go and allow professionals or friends to help you. A professional knows that every fitness journey is unique; what works for me doesn’t necessarily work for you. We are all different.