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diPulse Ambassador and Athlete Mathias Jepson Shares His Demanding CrossFit Routine

If there is a fitness trend that has amassed a cult-like following, it’s CrossFit. Widely popular, with fans all around the globe, CrossFit is the latest go-to pop culture trend that focuses on nutrition and functional fitness. Its workouts combine strength and conditioning as they introduce a series of different exercises performed in a rapid, repetitive manner that varies every day. From squats to push-ups and from weight-lifting to cardio, CrossFit regimes aim to create strength and improved body composition along with endurance and well-being.

Its safe to say there is never a dull day with Crossfit—every day comes with a different, more exciting workout and more fitness goals to accomplish. No two workouts are the same; high-intensity interval training, weightlifting, traditional gymnastics, or cardio, everything goes in to create the unique mix that is a CrossFit program.

At diPulse, we feel excited to explore new ways of working out and feeling amazing! In this case, we have reached out to Mathias Jepson,CrossFit athlete and diPulse ambassador to ask and learn everything you need to know about the trend. Read on to discover the philosophy behind CrossFit, who can benefit from it and which exercises to add to your workout.

CrossFit has been much on trend recently. What makes it different to other types of exercise?

It’s true that CrossFit has seen a huge increase in the number of people joining the community and doing the workouts over the last decade, even though it has stagnated a bit lately. One factor that makes CrossFit different from other training routines is that you start the work from the foundation and expand from there. As you get started, you are immediately welcomed into a community that becomes the second family that helps you get through your workouts. In a way, it’s similar to when you were part of your childhood football team – or any other sport.

Besides that, the movements being performed are not often isolated muscle groups, but rather compound movements that activate a significantly higher amount of muscle fibers. The result of that is a much higher demand in energy consumption and intensity for those fibers, i.e. result of fat loss, increased muscle mass/strength and greater conditioning depending on what the workout looks like. What gets people hooked is the feeling of progress and being able to execute movements and routines that simply weren’t possible a month ago.

What is the fitness philosophy behind it?

CrossFit is constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing, and more. These are the core movements of life.

Is it for everyone?

As every movement can be adapted and scaled to the individual based on their abilities and/or limitations, I would say: Yes. CrossFit can be performed by everyone as long as you have quality, technique, and mobility at the top of your mind before intensity and heavyweights.

What CrossFit elements can anyone incorporate in their workouts?

To give a few examples most people can do and vary the combination of repetitions, set, rounds to get a good workout would be:

• Pushups
• Situps
• Air squats
• Back extension
• Rowing
• Burpees
• Lunges
• Bent over row
• Overhead press
• Running

What are the best CrossFit tips and advice you can share with the diPulse community?

As a rule of thumb always put technique over the fast lifting of heavy weights if you want to have a long-lasting body that will be prepared for what life throws at you.
Answer the question as to WHY you are working out and that will become your guiding star when the motivation drops and the discipline has to kick in to get the job done!