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diPulse Presents the Ultimate Black Friday Questionnaire

Q1: What is NMES?

A: NMES or Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation is the delivery of an electrical current via the motor points of a muscle to stimulate a muscle activation, typically to create a muscle contraction. With NMES, we are essentially bypassing the brain in order to create a muscle contraction via the motor nerve and without the need for conscious thought.


Q2: What are the benefits of NMES?

A:  Research shows that even in people who are highly mobile, sporty, and fit, we are not making the most of our muscles. We aren’t activating enough of any of our muscle fibres. Using diPulse NMES system, we can target the muscles we want to develop, and we can decide how we want to develop them. This is great both for training and for recovery.


Q3: Why is diPulse different from other NMES companies?

A: Using NMES has previously been quite a task as it involved leads and wires to attach sticky electrodes (that have a short life span) to a cumbersome device. As a result, electrical stimulation has largely been used while static and with limited use and benefits. Here, diPulse has essentially provided a game-changer. Our compression tops and tights made from smart textiles with integrated, accurately placed electrical stimulation points give you the ability to improve your physical and mental wellbeing through a contemporary and innovative approach to training.


Q4: Who can benefit from NMES?

A: Everyone! Our products are developed through a legacy of excellence utilizing decades of scientific research to offer a new way of training for all fitness levels. Are you trying to go past your plateau and lose those stubborn last kilos? Are you an elite athlete trying to redefine the limits in your field? Or are you a fitness enthusiast who wants total control over your workouts with results you could only dream of? All you need is your SMARTSKIN or SMARTKIT, the diPulse app, and a clear goal in mind. No hard work, no weights, no gym.


Q5: Can I damage my muscle fibres?

A: diPulse programs are designed to provide warm-up, training, and cool-down phases which support muscle integrity. It is important to gradually build up your training tolerance and stimulation intensity to ensure your body adapts healthily to the exercises you are performing. Overtraining or too high intensities may lead to Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOM's).


Q6: Why do I have to use the water mist spray?

A: Water creates an important contact between the carbon electrode and the skin. Inadequate conductivity due to poor contact reduces the stimulation efficiency.


 Q7: How many muscle groups can I stimulate during one training session?

A: A maximum of 4 SMARTSTIM MODULES can be used at any one time, stimulating a maximum of two different muscle groups (left & right sides).


Q8: What is CMT (Combined Muscle Training)?

A: CMT refers to the user performing active movement or exercise whilst using NMES to boost the effects of training alone.


Q9: So, which is your most popular product?

A: Athletes and fitness professionals love the SMARTSKIN KIT as well as the SMARTRECOVERY KIT,  which helps them minimize their cool-down time. With our amazing SMARTBELT KIT following close, a flexible kit that can work with every workout! 


Q10: When was diPulse created?

A: diPulse was started back in 2018 and the first commercial product was made in the fall of 2019. 


Q11: Where can you find diPulse?

A: diPulse is a global-first company with market presence in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal, The UK, Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Brazil.


Q12: You have an amazing 20 % off. Which kit should I buy?

A: diPulse wearables are for everyone and cover every need. If you look for an holistic training kit that can be used both outdoors and at the gym, then opt for the SMARTSKIN KIT. If you are an athlete who places special importance on post-training recovery (which you should!), the SMARTRECOVERY KIT is the ultimate solution for after your workouts. Trying to ditch those stubborn extra pounds around the waistline? You would love the SMARTBELT, the diPulse kit that allows you to focus your training your core to  get the body you have always wanted!