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Fighting for fitness

Working on through

Image courtesy of Accountable Healthcare Staffing

diPulse is well placed to benefit people in many areas of work - those on their feet all day, or those lifting and carrying repeatedly. The way we provide muscle stimulation gives people the freedom to be active pre, post or even during work! We are helping to keep people strong and on their feet in all walks of life as our muscle stimulation can keep you challenged during any activity. It can create muscle bulk for those wanting to improve their muscle power and it can push athletic performance to achieve the goals you never thought you’d reach. And let’s not forget the speed at which your muscles can recover post-exercise. diPulse covers all aspects of fitness.

But you don’t need to hear it from us, so we decided to call upon one of our experienced users who has a really interesting background, to see what he thought of our tech.


Fit for purpose

Image courtesy of The Guardian

Ian Jackson has had a pretty colourful working life, serving for over 12 years in the British Special Forces. As you can imagine, with the intensity of the training he has undergone, he’s very discerning when it comes to fitness gimmicks and products that make claims they don’t deliver. We wanted to hear from him as to whether our SMARTSKIN does what it says on the tin, and whether it has a place in helping gain extreme fitness when the job requires it.

dP: Ian, what made you try diPulse for the first time?

IJ: It was during lockdown and the gyms had closed, most people were having to stay at home, so I wanted to be able to train at home. I trained using the SMARTSKIN in the garden as you don’t need any gym equipment to use it.


dP: How did you find that?

IJ: Well I felt it the next day! Particularly the hamstrings and calves – those muscles that you tend not to target during regular gym sessions. I worked out for 20 minutes and the next day it felt like I’d run a marathon!


dP: So the intensity worked for you then?

 IJ: Absolutely – it’s also a good indicator of how you are improving in performance – whether you can increase the intensity over time for the same exercise, which can give you an objective measure. But it’s definitely wise to go easy to begin with and build up the intensity gradually.


dP: What are your preferred programs?

 IJ: I tend to do circuits in the garden and usually use the Hypertrophy program. It saves time as usually my workout is done in 20 minutes. Normally with home training you can’t achieve the same intensity of workout – this is why the SMARTSKIN is so good. I then use it for one of the Cool- Down programs to help with muscle recovery after training.


dP: What do you think of the type of fitness diPulse can help with?

IJ: When I was in the military there were a lot of aerobic fitness requirements – a lot of running and less of anaerobic training. The SMARTSKIN really helps with building muscle. I wish I’d had this available back in the day


dP: Could the military also become a diPulse fan?

 IJ: Definitely. It’s great that you can literally take your gym anywhere with you. This would be a huge benefit for the military when they are doing tours for long stretches of 4-6 months. You can train in less than 50 square meters – that’s a real achievement when you don’t have the freedom to go for a run. Plus there’s often not much opportunity to work on the upper body in these instances without gym equipment. It ends up being a lot of legwork and the arms and torso get neglected. The SMARTSHIRT is the perfect way to develop upper body strength.


dP: So overall, would you recommend diPulse?

IJ: I already have - to family, friends and neighbours. They’ve tried it and they love it.


Your words count

It was great to hear feedback from Ian and how he’s using diPulse. What is important to us is that we hear from more of our users so that we can keep improving your diPulse experience. If you want to tell us how you’re using our products if you have any questions, or if you have any suggestions to share, please send us an email at feedback@diPulse.com, we’d love to hear from you!


Accountable Healthcare Staffing (2019) accessed at: https://www.ahcstaff.com/get-your-office-moving-for-employee-health-and-fitness-month/

Army MOD UK (2018) accessed at: https://www.army.mod.uk/news-and-events/news/2018/10/women-in-ground-close-combat-roles/

The Guardian, (2018) accessed at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/nov/05/foreign-nationals-to-be-allowed-to-join-british-army